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1. They love God and you a lot. (Be mindful.)

2. They are painfully limited human beings. (Be realistic.)

3. They probably have a pretty low view of their “performance”. (Be kind.)

4. They wish they were a better preacher. (Be awake.)

5. They really do want God’s best for you and your family. (Be open-hearted.)

6. Their work knows no time or locational boundaries. (Be patient.)

7. They hear much more negative information than positive. (Be encouraging.)

8. They have chosen a vocation in which is hard to remain steadfast. (Be praying.)

9. They have chosen a highly leadership-intensive call. (Be lead-able.)

10. They need help. (Be available.)

11. Their God-given vision is bigger than themself and the church (Be faith-filled.)

12. They want to personally meet all the needs, but know they can’t (Be understanding.)

13. They are going to say some dumb things every now and then. (Be forgiving.)

14. They are greatly encouraged by your faithfulness. (Be there.)

15. They are passionate for God’s Word to be made practical to you. (Be hungry.)

16. They long for church to be your spiritual oasis. (Be loving.)

17. They dream for your and your family’s spiritual health. (Be receptive.)

18. They need to hear that you pray for them. (Be interceding.)

19. They are just regular people. (Be real.)

Pray for our priests

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