The holy martyr Hieron was born in the city of Tiana in great Cappadocia. Raised by a pious mother, he was a kindly and good Christian. The co-ruling emperors Diocletian (284-305) and Maximian (284-305) sent a large military detachment headed by Lysias to Cappadocia to eradicate Christianity there, and also to conscript healthy and[…]
Author: Chris Purdef
The danger of arrogance is that it is a snake with many heads. Each time one head is cut off, another one grows. Arrogance is a disease that creeps stealthily into everything, just like the sunlight flows quietly everywhere. If I fast, I will brag about my fasting. If I do a good deed, I[…]
What is Truth?
In my daily quest for spiritual guidance on the Internet, I came across this article written by the Archpriest Panayiotis Papageorgiou. Although written in 2016, the words are still relevant to us today in our search for The Truth. Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary. Many times, discussions[…]
My Pilgrimage to Mt. Athos and What I Learned.
October 31, 2024, almost exactly a year ago, I was blessed to take a pilgrimage to a distant land in the Balkans where I spent ten days in Greece visiting Thessaloniki and the Holy Mountain. I can only explain my Athos trip as a once in a lifetime experience that I would recommend every male[…]
Conservative vs. Liberal Clergy?
A well-known and esteemed American priest recently spoke on the topic of the use of appropriate terminology for describing Orthodox clergy, both priests and bishops. Since many issues from secular society present themselves in the life of the Church, it has also become common to use secular labels (all too familiar in political discourse) to[…]