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Fr John Cook Update by Reader Paisios

In his second Epistle, the holy apostle Peter says: “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” Within that one verse is a snapshot of the moments of my life before I entered the door at St. Tikhons’ and a bird’s-eye view of my life afterwards. I can tell you, dear reader, that my life has tremendously changed, not only for my benefit but also for the benefit of the community as well.

Prior to stepping through the threshold of St. Tikhon Orthodox Church, I was a ship without a rudder being tossed to-and-fro in the raging seas of life. I was desperately searching for the absolute truth, knowing that Christ is our King, yet dissatisfied with the inconsistency of the Protestant churches, who most certainly had the appearance of a house built upon unstable sand.

Father John took the time to answer my questions patiently, was very gracious with me even after I had promised to visit his parish, and neglected to inform him that I had changed my mind due to my reluctance to abandon the Protestant church. However, the second time was most certainly a charm, and after I finally made my appearance at St. Tikhons’, I never left.

Thanks be to God; our Lord has helped me make a significant improvement. I was initially a recluse of sorts, withdrawing in the back of the Nave, inaudibly singing (or not singing at all), and primarily keeping to myself. Within two years, I am an ordained and tonsured Reader, leading others in prayer and singing. I cannot minimize the miracle of God’s grace working in a wretched man such as myself, who still has much to learn but now whose main focus is pleasing God instead of my own vain passions.

Flowery words cannot begin to express the gratitude which I have for our benevolent and long- suffering Creator who has, in His infinite mercy, granted me a father figure in Father John to fill the role, in a way, of my father, who passed away unexpectedly in 2021.

Therefore, I make it an utmost priority to serve God first and foremost in my life by making sacrifices for our parish and my godfather, Father John, by relieving him of as many duties as I can so he can better assist in the healing of lost souls who, by God’s providence, enter through our doors.

It is not my intention to list all the roles or jobs that I do because I want the praise to go to God and God alone; however, Father requested that I inform you of my duties in composing a monthly Orthodox bulletin, which has been an invaluable resource to many parishes and is available online.

The priest, who had been releasing those bulletins every month, was in dire need of a volunteer willing to relieve him of his role so that he may have more time with his parish, and I merely consented to take on the role. I do not wish to have any sort of applause for my mere choice. I am only doing what I am commanded to do, and that is helping others.

With the remainder of my time that we have, I want to extol the virtues of the other parishioners of St. Tikhons’, who exceed me in all the virtues that we strive for as Orthodox Christians. It is truly an honor to worship and serve with such an honorable group of men and women, and it is a blessing to have a second family in Christ.

We have parishioners who make it a point to pick up two college students who do not have automobiles and transport them to and from church services. We collect canned food goods for the Caroline County Food Bank and deliver several bags and boxes of food to the needy every month. We also collected funds for school supplies to benefit local children in need.

Our parish went above and beyond in assisting local families this Christmas by donating funds and even taking time to shop for men, women, and children in need. We are also beginning to collect funds to support local pregnancy centers in the region with the hope that we can help single mothers who are struggling.

God has blessed us abundantly, so we all generously give to those who are lacking the basic necessities to survive in this difficult economy. One of our parishioners’ family suffered a great loss of their family home in a tragic fire, and our parish so graciously supported her family that they will be able to rebuild on their property.

We have organized a mini-Nativity retreat with lectures, games for children, spiritual discussion, and prayer in order to cultivate a deeper appreciation for Nativity and to grow closer to Christ as a family. There is also talk of extra services as we approach Great and Holy Lent, and also more community outreach as we grow as a parish.

I can speak for all of us at St. Tikhons by saying that we are indebted to God for such a hardworking and dedicated priest that we all make sure that we can fill whatever available role that we can to alleviate Father John’s overall workload, ensuring that he can focus solely on the spiritual lives of his flock.

The future looks bright for St. Tikhons, thanks solely to God, for in His infinite providence He has brought so many souls who hunger and thirst after righteousness but are also not afraid to let their light shine so that others may see their good works and give glory to God. He has also brought the spiritually lame through our doors, and by the grace of God, he has healed them or is in the process of healing them. I should know, because I was one of them.

Such is the case for many little churches sprinkled around the world, which go unnoticed by busy travelers hurrying to their destination, but these churches are doing God’s work in communities that desperately need them in this tumultuous time.

Thank you for the honor of allowing me to give my testimony. Please keep the parish of St. Tikhon’s in your prayers. For as it is written: Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. (James 5:16)

Reader Paisios

To reach more with such hope and love that might not otherwise be experienced give as God moves you below.

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To Fast Is To Save – To Give Alms – An Update

It is true all year round but especially during Lenten Holidays like Advent and that is to fast is to save to give more alms. The need is great in America to share the hope of the Gospel in these uncertain times. Holy Orthodoxy provides the greatest and most complete hope on planet Earth. Our missional Priests and Church parishes can attest to that – see below.

Here is a message form one of our graduating missionaries Father Mark Hodges which perfectly illustrates the impact your donations to Share the Faith can have:

It has been a privilege to serve the wonderful people of Saint Brendan’s for the past year and a half. As you may have heard, I need to go back to Ohio and address family concerns. With the blessing of my Archbishop, I will be leaving in December.

As I say, it has been a joy to help Saint Brendan’s little mission take a step or two forward. When I first came, there were 16 people now there are 28 members, and one catechumen (eleven member families). And the time I was here, we had seven baptisms. Once we started regular services with a priest, several Orthodox heard about Saint Brendan’s and came to join us. Also, in the time I’ve been here we have had many, many inquirers and visitors. If I had to estimate, I would say we had about 22 inquires about Orthodoxy, who have visited once or who have visited multiple times.

I was honored to serve Saint Brendan’s very first Great Lent and Holy Week and Pascha with a priest (including Pascha picnic after Paschal Vespers). We established the celebration of all the major feast days for the first time in Bullhead city. We also held the first, modest, patronal feast day for Saint Brendan. We hosted an episcopal visit: His Grace Auxiliary Bishop James came to Saint Brendan’s, and led a prayer service, and we hosted a dinner for him.

We also saw various ways to engage with the community: our youth held fundraisers and food bank campaigns for local needy; I was invited and opened prayer for the first session of city council in the new year; and we all participated and shared with folks about orthodoxy in a major local community swap meet.

We regularized our finances, including opening an independent bank account for Saint Brendan’s, out from the umbrella of our founding mother, church, All Saints of North America in Phoenix. Father John Peck is transferring our online giving account currently. We also appointed our officers, treasurer, advice, chair.

Significantly, the people have come to know one another. They have spent time with each other outside of church services, and visited each other’s homes in many cases. The rank-and-file have organized workdays together to beautify Saint Brendan’s little storefront facility. Members of St Brendan’s personally created our large Processional Cross, our Readers’ pulpit, our Gospel Stand, our Lectern, and sewed our curtains, our Altar covers, and donated countless holy items (Aers, Chalice covers, spoon & lance, zeon, Gospel book, etc.).

Also, significantly, the members of Saint Brendan’s have been learning how to share their brief personal testimonies with others, both of Christ and of holy orthodoxy, and each member has been rotating after liturgy to share his or her testimony with all.

Share the Faith is currently supporting 6 mission parishes, but the need is so much greater. We need your help! To reach more with the love and hope of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through Holy Orthodoxy donate below.

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Snoopy’s Christmas:  A Seasonal Meditation

Each year one of my favourite Christmas songs is an old novelty song called Snoopy’s Christmas, released in 1967 by the Royal Guardsmen as a follow-up to their previous hit Snoopy vs. the Red Baron.  The song was inspired by actual events. During the First World War troops on either side of the front line crossed over into No Man’s Land on Christmas Day to celebrate the holiday together. Soldiers who were previously trying to kill each other on December 24 stopped trying to do that and met together to talk, share cigarettes, show each other photos of their wives, sweethearts, and families, drink together, and even play a game of football. It was initiated entirely by the soldiers themselves (beginning with the Germans).  The military leadership was utterly opposed to the whole thing, and was emphatically not amused. Like Christmas, the astonishing and undeclared truce lasted one day. The Royal Guardsmen’s song commemorating the event was as follows:“The news had come out in the First World War:
The bloody Red Baron was flying once more.
The Allied command ignored all of its men,
And called on Snoopy to do it again.T’was the night before Christmas, 40 below,
When Snoopy went up in search of his foe.
He spied the Red Baron; fiercely they fought;
With ice on his wings Snoopy knew he was caught.

(Refrain:) Christmas bells those Christmas bells
Ring out from the land!
Asking peace of all the world,
And good will to man!

The Baron had Snoopy dead in his sights.
He reached for the trigger to pull it up tight.
Why he didn’t shoot, well, we’ll never know,
Or was it the bells from the village below?

The Baron made Snoopy fly to the Rhine,
And forced him to land behind the enemy lines.
Snoopy was certain that this was the end,
When the Baron cried out, “Merry Christmas, my friend!”

The Baron then offered a holiday toast,
And Snoopy, our hero, saluted his host.
And then with a roar they were both on their way,
Each knowing they’d meet on some other day.”

I can’t help comparing it to another seasonal song, John Lennon’s Imagine, released four years later in 1971. It also was an anti-war song, but came from a very different place. In Lennon’s imaginary world (excuse the pun), wars could be eliminated by eliminating religion:  “Imagine there’s no countries. It isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people living life in peace.”  The idea seemed to be that war could be eliminated by eliminating religion and national borders. That was consistent with the billboards Lennon and his muse Yoko Ono sponsored, saying, “War is Over—If You Want It”.  The scenario of evil men not wanting it seems not to have entered his brain.

Of course that’s just the problem—there are evil men who don’t want war to be over.  Hitler was one of them.  In theological terms, mankind is fallen (or, as the Lord put it, men were evil; see Matthew 7:11). The only thing that could possibly eliminate war is a change in the human heart, the operation where our stony heart is removed and replaced with a heart of flesh (see Ezekiel 36:26).  In other words, war can only be eliminated by the change in men that comes only through Jesus Christ.  It is tempting to conclude by saying that this was the true message of Snoopy’s Christmas—that Christianity is the answer to war and to all of mankind’s problems.  

But the issue is not quite so simple.  For one thing, it is fatally easy to apply a thin varnish of Christianity over the human heart and to imagine that this thin veneer is all that is needed.  It is not so.  Byzantium fought wars, for all of their love of icons, and the Generals of the First World War who were opposed to that brief and blessed Christmas truce were Christians too.

We can even see this in the song Snoopy’s Christmas itself.  The endearing truce between Snoopy and the Red Baron warms the heart.  But take a closer look at the last lines of the song:  “And then with a roar they were both on their way, each knowing they’d meet on some other day.”  That is, on Boxing Day or later, they would both mount up into the sky once more and try to kill each other all over again. 

Christmas Day is wonderful, and culturally speaking, it is the time when the Kingdom of God intersects with this world.  For those alive to this intersection, it is indeed unthinkable that one could kill a man on Christmas and then go home to celebrate the birth of Christ with one’s family by the family Christmas tree.  But the cultural intersection ends soon enough.

What does this mean?  It means that though individuals might allow Christ to transform them, to take out their heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh, cultures mostly resist this operation. They may allow a thin veneer of Christianity to be slopped on top, but that’s about it.  Or, in the aphorism of G. K. Chesterton, Christianity has not been tried and found wanting.  It has been found difficult and left untried.  That explains both the wars of Byzantium and the chagrin of the World War One Generals.

Depend upon it: virtue in this age is always martyric, and a price will be paid for consistent Christianity by those determined to live their lives within that blessed intersection of the Christmas Kingdom and this world. Christmas offers challenge as well as solace.  And that (as Linus might say) is the true meaning of Christmas, Charlie Brown.

(Just a note from our blog; in these uncertain times consider giving of your heart to those in need to share the love of Christ, see below)

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About the Author

Fr. Lawrence Farley, formerly an Anglican priest and graduate of Wycliffe College in Toronto, Canada in 1979, converted to Orthodoxy in 1985 and then studied at St. Tikhon’s Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania.  After ordination he traveled to Surrey, B.C. to begin a new mission under the OCA, St. Herman of Alaska Church.  The Church has grown from its original twelve members, and now owns a building in Langley, B.C. The community has planted a number of daughter churches, including parishes in Victoria, Comox and Vancouver.  

Fr. Lawrence is the author of many books including the Bible Study Companion SeriesLet Us Attend: A Journey through the Orthodox Divine Liturgy, and A Daily Calendar of Saints. He has also written a series of Akathists published by Alexander Press, and his articles have appeared in numerous publications.

Fr. Lawrence has given a number of parish retreats in the U.S. and Canada, as well as being a guest-lecturer yearly at Regent College in Vancouver. Father lives in Surrey with his wife Donna; he and Matushka Donna have two grown daughters and six grandchildren. He regularly updates his blog, “No Other Foundation” which is also recorded as a podcast for Ancient Faith Radio.  His many books are available from Ancient Faith Publishing.

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Planting Orthodoxy into the Hearts of Our Children [During The Nativity]

If we expect our children and grandchildren to grow into adulthood as practicing Orthodox Christians, we must give daily witness to the importance of our faith. If we are lax in our fasting, church attendance, and piety, our children will see by our lack of seriousness, a compartmentalized religion that is ultimately of no value to them.
If they do not see us seriously practicing our faith, Orthodoxy will ultimately be rejected by them as something that is of no personal value. If they do not see us praying, they will not have prayer as a part of their lives. If they do not see us putting the divine services before entertainment, they will abandon Orthodoxy as irrelevant to them. If they do not see Christ in us, they will ultimately reject Christ for themselves.
If they do not see in their parents a Christian who is quick to forgive, quick to show mercy, and quick to give to the poor, they will not see Christ. If they do not see in the parent one who loves his neighbor, as Christ commanded, they will not see the Christ that changes and transforms lives.
Just as a child has to be educated in the art of poetry, reading, painting, and the sciences, so too must a child be taught by the example of his parents, the importance of faith. Saint Isaac the Syrian said, “Faith is the door to mysteries. What the bodily eyes are to sensory objects, the same is faith to the eyes of the intellect that gaze at hidden treasures”.
To educate a child in the humanities and the sciences, but to fail to implant faith by our example, is to ultimately cheat the child of the most important gift of all, the gift of faith.
With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon
What are we as Orthodox doing for the next generation as the world’s population grows. Orthodoxy is in no hurry but what is the next step. Yes we as Orthodox are more concerned with antiquity than modernity, but again, what is the next step. The next step is local missions. To learn more and or donate go to our homepage @ …What gift are we giving to the next generation this Nativity?
STF SMM Coordinator – Eric A. Tweten