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Fr Photios urgently needs your help! Read below!

Fr Photios urgently needs your help! Read below!“Our mission has come a long way from a difficult beginning.

We started the mission with nothing but a Gospel and an antimension. But we had faithful people, hope, and God on our side, and so our growing mission has continued to persevere by God’s mercy and grace.

We do not have a parsonage. For my first 2 years as a priest, I received no compensation. By the mercy of God, we have food on the table and a quaint, safe home for our family.

In April 2023, my wife and I made the difficult and risky decision for me to leave my full-time secular work. The needs of our parish have continuously grown, and the people needed their priest more.”

Fr Photios can hardly afford his home and food for him and his family while he works so hard to share the love of Jesus. 

To help bring relief to Fr Photios and other missional American Pan Orthodox Christian Priests like him, click the button below!

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Steve RE
1 month ago

Where is the Parish, how is it progressing? Is there a website or Facebook group?