We have recently started a Bible Study on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. The Bible Study is held on Thursdays evenings and it is going very well.
We have a nice group of people that come for the Study and engage in a lively discussion. The Bible Study is an opportunity for deeper exploration into the meaning of Holy Scripture as well as a time for catechesis for our catechumens and fellowship for our parish family. We thank God for this opportunity to study the Book of Romans.
Starting Wednesday, Sept. 18th we will begin praying the Akathist to the Mother of God in Spanish. Our Parish is located in a predominately Hispanic neighborhood, so we would like to be able to offer something in Spanish. We hope this time of prayer to the Mother of God will be fruitful and attract some of the folks to our church who are living in our neighborhood.
We serve a community meal every Sunday. Our Parish partners with Orthodox Detroit Outreach and we offer a meal to the neighborhood every Sunday afternoon following Divine Liturgy. We have been engaging in this ministry for ten years. We are excited for the Grand Opening of our newly repurposed Mission Center on Saturday, Sept. 28th (see the attached flyer). A lot of work has been done to the Ss. Peter and Paul Mission Center which will allow us to serve a greater number of people. We look forward to continuing this outreach ministry for many years to come, God willing.
Finally, we will begin having church school on Sunday, Sept. 29th. Our little missionary congregation is growing (especially as more and more children are born), so it is time to start educating our children in the Faith. My wife, Mtka. Veronica, will be heading this endeavor. We look forward to having fun with the kids in Church School!
With love in Christ,
Fr Phillip Dage
Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Detroit, Michigan