Great Lent and Fasting in the Age of “the Screen”

“Enlighten me through prayers and fasting” [Forgiveness Vespers]. Within the context of Great Lent and our ascetical effort during this season, commonly called fasting, I would like to raise the issue of not only fasting from certain foods and drink—the most basic aspect of asceticism because of our sheer dependence on food and drink—but also[…]

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St Andrew Orthodox Church, Eustis, FL Update

From: Father Cassian Christ is in our midst! Since our last update, Fr Cassian has basically recovered from his surgery done in October. Glory to God! We brought back our International Dinner fundraiser February 10th and raised about $1200 with about 65 in attendance. We all had a great time! We have had 1 baby[…]

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Update from All Saints Orthodox Mission, Lodi, CA

From: Father Elijah Drake  -We recently baptized two catechumens on Nativity (Old Calander).  -We also recently made 3 more Catechumens. And 5 more inquirers who have gotten to the place where they have expressed a desire to be made catechumens.  -Sadly we had one Catechumen move away because of cost of living and rent. He[…]

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Update From Father Dimitri

Northern Michigan is in great need of the Church. For those already Orthodox, the closest churches regularly holding services are either near Marquette (St. Jacob of Alaska) or Traverse City (Archangel Gabriel and St Sebastian), which could mean having to drive as long as 3 hours one way to get there. This is a great[…]

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Update From Father Photios Parks

Glory to God forever! Through God’s grace and the support of Share the Faith, Saint Anthony the Great Orthodox Mission continues to grow in love, worship, and numbers. In February, we welcomed into our beloved church family the newly baptized and illumined servants Ephraim and Symeon. In March, by Holy Chrismation, God’s handmaiden, Maria, was[…]

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Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving

Almsgiving In Christ’s teaching, almsgiving goes together with fasting and prayer. We have seen that this is also the teaching of Isaiah (See Fasting) and of the Old Testament generally. When one prays and fasts, one must show love through active generosity to others. Beware of practicing your piety before men, in order to be[…]

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