We Support Mission Priests and Parishes in North America
Supporting Mission Priests and Parishes
Share the Faith assists a wide variety of canonical Orthodox priests in the United States who are:
- Assigned to mission parishes which cannot provide adequate support, and so must supplement their income with secular work.
- Pursuing missionary / outreach ministries in addition to their regular parish duties for which they need assistance.
- Assigned to parishes which are “re-missionizing” their areas. Unfortunately, Orthodox parishes can find themselves with too few members for a variety of reasons. These parishes either learn to evangelize, or they cease to exist. Share the Faith helps keep these parishes open and also helps them develop the evangelism skills needed to attract new members.

Parish Mentoring and Education
In addition to financial support for mission parishes, and those in need of revitalization, Share the Faith provides a mentoring and education program for supported parish councils. Especially at the mission level, many parish councils are new to Orthodoxy and are frequently unsure how to effectively evangelize.
Here are some of the topics we explore with our supported parishes that help the servants of God effectively start and run a mission or revitalize an older parish.
- So you want to start a New Mission Orthodox Church?
- Effective Ideas for the Greeting of Newcomers
- How to Evangelize for Church Growth
- Getting noticed in your community
We also provide Q&A sessions and on-request mentoring for parish councils and parish priests who need assistance, as well as custom-training classes to meet unique, local needs.
Why Support Share the Faith?
Despite hundreds of years of Orthodox Christianity in North America…
At least 98% of the citizens Canada and America are unaware of the benefits and spiritual treasures available in Christ’s Holy Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church. Clearly, we are not following the Great Commission effectively, nor are we following in the footsteps of great Orthodox missionary saints, including those who served on this continent.