Christ is Risen! He is our hope and anchor. He is our vision; our call to duty; we are to remain steadfast…we are reminded in Scripture to give ourselves fully to the work of The Gospel and when we’ve done all to stand. Pray earnestly and without ceasing. We are to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus. The Great Commission is to the whole body of Christ, yet some are more able like our Clergy, so we give and give and give to them to complete the work of The Gospel. Hopefully we’ve all read at least some of St John’s Ladder of Divine Assent. May this Bright Week be a reminder that the fight is not over though the last fast is for a time and a season. God is calling us to invest our time, talent, treasure and resources back into His Kingdom. Freely you have received. Freely give. This is a time of great joy and reflection, yet we must not forget our call in any season. The time is now to advance God’s Kingdom. The time is always now. The human heart is in the most need especially of the healing touch of Jesus. Many don’t have in person contact with the fullness of the Good News of Jesus Christ in the form of a local Orthodox Church Parish with a full time Priest or even a Deacon for a reader service. Many Priests and Deacons work unrealistic bi-vocational hours to share the love of Jesus. We can bring relief. Share The Faith is the call. Orthodox Christian Mission to America is the Campaign. We help missional Orthodox Priests supplement their income so they can give more time to ministry and family and less time to secular work. To donate, click the button below.
STF SMM Coordinator Eric A. Tweten