Supported Priests & Missions

Share the Faith assists a wide variety of canonical Orthodox priests in the United States who are:

  • Assigned to mission parishes which cannot provide adequate support, and so must supplement their income with secular work.
  • Pursuing missionary / outreach ministries in addition to their regular parish duties for which they need assistance.
  • Assigned to parishes which are “re-missionizing” their areas. Unfortunately, Orthodox parishes can find themselves with too few members for a variety of reasons. These parishes either learn to evangelize, or they cease to exist. Share the Faith helps keep these parishes open and also helps them develop the evangelism skills needed to attract new members.

The parishes and supported Priests we are currently assisting are below.

Fr Mark Rowe of St. Joseph’s Mission – Sarasota FL

Jurisdiction: ROCOR, Western Rite

Status: Mission Parish

Share the Faith Ministries recently provided funding for St. Joseph Orthodox Church, a Western Rite Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

Fr. Mark Rowe, who leads St. Joseph’s Mission, a budding Sarasota community, recently mentioned they required funding to help with immediate costs. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the quick response he received.

By maintaining his hope in Christ, along with the encouraging growth of the mission, Fr. Mark expects better times ahead and looks forward to potential cooperation with Share the Faith Ministries in the future

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Fr. Elijah Drake of All Saints Orthodox Mission – Lodi, CA

Jurisdiction: ROCOR, Western Rite

Status: Mission Parish

All Saints Orthodox Mission was started in November 2021 as a ROCOR Western Rite Mission with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion of blessed memory. We started off with 5 baptized members (my family) and 10 inquirers. We met in a chapel we built in my converted garage in Stockton, California. At this time almost everything we had as a mission we had to build ourselves from scratch.

We met in that garage chapel for 9 month. In July 2022, the Lord in His great mercy and love, provided a store front space for us to rent (at a monthly rental rate one third of the market rate). The store front was located in Lodi California, so we officially moved All Saints to Lodi, where we are the first and only Orthodox Church in the city of Lodi (population 60,000+)

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Fr. Cassian Dunlop of St Andrew Mission – Eustis, FL

Jurisdiction: Antiochian, Western Rite

Status: Re-missionizing Parish

St. Andrew the Apostle is a community of Orthodox Christians located in Eustis, Florida, worshiping according to the ancient Western Rite practiced by the early Christians in the West for the first 1,000 years of Christianity. We are canonical (mainline) Orthodox in the Antiochian Patriarchate headquartered in Damascus, Syria, under His Beatitude Patriarch John X, and in the self-ruled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America under His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph.

Fr. Cassian Dunlop has served as the rector for St Andrew parish for 24 years. He received his BA in Philosophy at the University of South Carolina in 1987 and was ordained as an Anglican priest in 1989 after completing his Divinity degree from St Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Seminary in Berkeley, California. As an Anglican priest he served parishes in Washington, DC and Anderson, SC. In 1995, he and his parish in South Carolina converted to Orthodox Christianity after a year of study, and he was ordained as an Antiochian Orthodox priest, continuing to serve his parish, now a new Western Rite mission.

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Fr. John Cook of Saint Tikhon Mission – Ruther Glen, VA

Jurisdiction: ROCOR, Western Rite

Status: Mission Parish

I am Fr. John Cook, the Rector of St. Tikhon Orthodox Church in Ruther Glen, VA. Like many priests of smaller parishes, I have to work full-time to support myself and my family. I have a full-time secular job to which I travel 4 hours round trip daily, while putting in 8 to 12 hours at the office. I am a 100% disabled veteran as well. I serve on the Spiritual Council, and am also Serving as the Dean of the Northern Deanery of the Western Rite Communities ROCOR. I am also the Deputy Director of Orthodox Africa. Currently, I have no days off, and I get about 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Glory to God in all things!

The goal, of course, is to devote myself full-time to ministering to and growing my flock in central Virginia. Towards that goal, the help of Share The Faith donors has been much appreciated.

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Fr. Photos Parks of St. Anthony Mission – Hendersonville, NC

Jurisdiction: American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America (Ecumenical Patriarch)

Status: Mission Parish

Until April 2023, I had been working bi-vocationally for the last 6 years. I was working full-time (40hrs) as a social worker and also working 20-30 hours as a mission priest at Saint Anthony’s. I worked so much to get my wife through her nurse practitioner program as well as to make sure that our family could maintain our very basic needs. Now that my wife has completed her program, she is a nurse practitioner at a federally qualified health center. The pay is not at all on par with practicing in a for-profit facility. She is also working in a state that is ranked as the worst state in which to be a nurse practitioner. Her remuneration reflects all that.

Although our mission has strived to continue to make gains in my compensation, it is difficult because we have simple folks who already struggle to live in our very, very expensive area. Currently, I am compensated less than 50% of our Diocese’s standard rate of salary for a priest.

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Fr Aidan Keller of St. Anna Mission – Louisa, VA

Jurisdiction: ROCOR

Status: Mission Parish

St. Anna’s Mission Parish is a dependency of St. Demetrios Orthodox Monastery, and the clergy are supplied to it from the monastery’s Hiero-monastic ranks. The mission itself is located on the property of the churchwarden/founders, who have furnished almost everything necessary from their own substance, and continue to bear the vast majority of the costs associated with the running of our parish.

We had our first service on July 3, 2022 with an extremely well-attended Liturgy, after which average Sundays averaged about 15. We celebrated our one year anniversary three weeks ago, with approximately 58 attendees for Divine Liturgy (with Russian and Appalachian folk music and dancing and a bake sale as well as the trapeza). The small converted cabin house was bursting to overflowing. Approximately half a dozen people were baptized on Holy Saturday 2023, four new catechumens are being prepared for baptism in January, and in general the community exhibits very positive growth in all directions. 

The principal demographic is Americans, mostly converts, with constant visitors and inquirers. Many of those who come are young people in their 20s. Often they drive an hour and a half or more.

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Fr Dimitri Mihaliov of St Ambrose Mission – Upper Michigan

Jurisdiction: ROCOR

Status: Mission Parish

Fr Dmitri Mihaliov felt called to serve this community as he grew up in a small family that lived hours away from the nearest church and remembers how spiritually taxing it can be to feel so isolated. He began attending St Vladimir Orthodox Church in Ann Arbor regularly while a student at the University of Michigan. In 2018, he began a PhD in Applied Physics at University of Michigan, but soon also felt called to the clergy. He was tonsured in 2021 and ordained to the priesthood in August 2023.

Graduate school is a time typically marked with tight schedules and tighter budgets, and it’s common for PhD students to isolate themselves from activities not related to their work. Fr Dmitri was already an oddity by marrying, but having kids was even more unusual. The reality is, a graduate student salary wasn’t meant to be the primary source of a family’s income, especially near Ann Arbor, one of the most expensive areas to live in Michigan. Add to that a new mission that needs a variety of basic items, supplies, and importantly, clergy and choir. The priest and choir director (Fr Dmitri and Matushka Katherine) need to travel to the Straits Area (a 4 hour drive each way) to serve the Liturgy monthly at minimum.

Despite these challenges, St Ambrose Mission typically has 15-20 communicants at Liturgy. On Sundays when a priest is not present, Typika is served to provide spiritual consistency for the families living in the area. Services are held primarily in English, but Church Slavonic, Greek, and Latin are used both to reflect the attendees and as a point of outreach to the Roman Catholic population in the area. Many inquirers have visited, and the first catechumen was made at the beginning of Great Lent 2024.

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Fr Jesse of St Jacob of Alaska Mission, Marquette, MI

St. Jacob of Alaska started with a Moleben served on the Feast Day of St. Jacob Netsvetov, July 26/August 8, 2021, in venue space at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan. Archpriest Gregory Joyce of St. Vladimir Russian Orthodox Church in Ann Arbor served as the first rector and appointed Deacon Jesse Rimshas of Sts. Sergius and Herman of Valaam in Houghton, Michigan as the Mission Coordinator.

St. Jacob’s mission has always been labor of love for its founding members. Fr. Jesse and his family drove two hours from his home in L’Anse with icons, music stands, and other church supplies, and the community set up and tore down the Mission in a conference room on weekends. Vespers and Divine Liturgy were served about every six weeks by a visiting priest from Traverse City or Houghton, and other weekends the community would hold Reader’s Vespers and Typikas. They held lunch at a local coffee shop that allowed them to plug in Crock Pots and dine at a room upstairs as long they ordered a carafe of coffee.

In March of 2022 the mission leased 5,000 square feet of space on the main level of an old middle school in Ishpeming, Michigan, about 20 minutes from Northern Michigan University in Marquette. The community has made this space their own. Fr. Jesse and his fifteen-year-son Anthony designed and built a portable wooden iconostasis.

On July 12/June 29, 2022, Archbishop Peter ordained Deacon Jesse to the Holy Priesthood and tonsured parishioner George Hunt, who is currently the mission’s sole seminarian, a reader. Fr. Jesse was appointed Rector on the community’s second anniversary, August 8/July 26, 2023. St. Jacob’s currently serves as Marquette County’s only full-time Orthodox Church, and parishioners drive as far as ninety miles for Divine Liturgies. The community is very active and has a full schedule of services.

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Fr Benjamin of Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam

The continued existence of Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam is a testimony to the veracity of the Faith and indomitability of the Holy Spirit.The continued existence of Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam is a testimony to the veracity of the Faith and indomitability of the Holy Spirit. The mission began with a small handful of women in the basement of a family home and now is housed in a former Catholic Church. This community has not only survived but thrived in a rugged and isolated region despite repeated setbacks and evolving leadership. Over the years, the church has been served by a number of visiting priests when finding one willing to move his family here proved impossible. It could never have survived without the faithful leadership and devotion of its founders, who trusted the Holy Spirit to guide them through repeated trials and disappointments. We have learned to find strength in our challenges and courage in our community and can see the fruits of our labors.

Saints Sergius and Herman is a community unlike any other, and we are all so grateful to call it our home. The funds of generous donors to Share the Faith allow us and other smaller communities to continue to do the work that we do so that more souls may be brought to Christ and more people may find comfort in the Lord. May God, who is never outdone in generosity, bless abundantly the donors and leadership of Share the Faith. Learn

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Fr Philip Dage – Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral

Fr. Phillip Dage was received as a child into the Orthodox Church at Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral in 2000 with his family. After graduating from Wayne State University, Fr. Phillip spent a year and a half in Guatemala refining his Spanish vocabulary while serving the thriving Orthodox community in Aguacate. Witnessing the love for God of the indigenous Mayan people he served, it was there in Guatemala that Fr. Phillip first began to contemplate the path of ordained ministry. After returning home, Fr. Phillip worked as a high school teacher and was a dedicated member of Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral. In 2021, Fr. Phillip followed the calling and enrolled at St. Tikhon’s Seminary, graduating in the Spring of 2024. He was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on Holy Theophany, January 6th, 2024.

Fr. Phillip was married to Matushka Veronica in June of 2023 and they welcomed their first-born son, Gabriel, the next year. Mtka. Veronica enjoys singing in the Church choir and has recently received training for church choral directing. She hopes to utilize her skills at Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral. Fr. Phillip and his family are thrilled to serve the church community in which he first encountered the Orthodox Faith. Growing up in southwest Detroit, it is a great joy for Fr. Phillip to be able to serve the community that he was raised in as the Cathedral Dean.

Today, Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral serves a meal every Sunday to the whole neighborhood where everyone is invited, including the homeless, the impoverished, and those in need. As an inner-city church, Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral takes Christ’s command to love our neighbors seriously. God willing, we hope to expand our ministries, by offering Orthodox services in Spanish (the neighborhood around the Cathedral is predominately Hispanic) and by partnering with local schools to help the children.

Although not a mission parish, Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral is a missionary-minded congregation. We strive to bring the love of God beyond the walls of the Church and into the greater community. We invite you to help us in this holy work. Thank you for your prayers.

Graduated Missions

The goal of Share the Faith is to enable our assisted missions and parishes to become self-funding as quickly as possible. Below are missions and parishes which we have assisted that are now, by the grace of God, able to sustain themselves.

Fr. Andrew Short of St. Anna Mission – Columbia, TN

Jurisdiction: Antiochian

Status: Mission Parish

It is with great sadness that we report the repose of our good friend, and recipient of Share the Faith Ministries, Father Andrew Short. Fr. Andrew was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in 2021 fulfilling the call to pastor St. Anna Mission in Columbia, TN. Fr. Andrew served his mission selflessly and worked long hours to sustain both his own family and that of the mission’s. Because of this, he called upon Share the Faith Ministries to help supplement his work. We at Share the Faith were very grateful to be able to support Fr. Andrew with a thousand dollar a month stipend to ease his burden and help spread the Gospel in Tennessee. In speaking with Fr. Andrew, even in his illness, he remained steadfast in his faith and a bastion in the teachings of Christ. He will be greatly missed. Memory eternal!

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Mission of Fr. Adam Sexton from Culpepper, VA

Jurisdiction: ROCOR

Status: Mission Parish

It is my true joy to greet you in the Name of The Lord! It is such a blessing to have come full circle and to have wound up here as the rector at St. Andrew’s parish in Ashland, VA. You see, many years ago, about 22 I think, I was strolling along the sidewalk in Richmond and came upon a small Orthodox bookstore on Sheppard Street. (It’s now an upscale hair salon!) It had icons in the windows and interesting things appeared to be going on inside. Being a good Catholic boy, and also being employed by a local Catholic bookstore a few blocks away, I decided I would go in and check it out…maybe see what the competition was up to…..

Well…that, as they say, was the beginning of the rest of my life!

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Shoutout to Our Supporters!

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March 21, 2025

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In memory of Pablo V.
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March 13, 2025

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Mirjana Naumova

March 4, 2025

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Zebulon Dimmett

March 1, 2025

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Michael Witcoff

February 22, 2025

Slow month - as I make more I should be able to help more.

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Anonymous User


February 7, 2025

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January 28, 2025

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January 10, 2025

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James Bunch

January 6, 2025

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Anonymous User


January 5, 2025

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Mirjana Naumova

December 16, 2024

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ilia Anossov

December 13, 2024

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