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St. Andrew the Apostle is a community of Orthodox Christians located in Eustis, Florida, worshiping according to the ancient Western Rite practiced by the early Christians in the West for the first 1,000 years of Christianity. We are canonical (mainline) Orthodox in the Antiochian Patriarchate headquartered in Damascus, Syria, under His Beatitude Patriarch John X, and in the self-ruled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America under His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph.
Fr. Cassian Dunlop has served as the rector for St Andrew parish for 24 years. He received his BA in Philosophy at the University of South Carolina in 1987 and was ordained as an Anglican priest in 1989 after completing his Divinity degree from St Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Seminary in Berkeley, California. As an Anglican priest he served parishes in Washington, DC and Anderson, SC. In 1995, he and his parish in South Carolina converted to Orthodox Christianity after a year of study, and he was ordained as an Antiochian Orthodox priest, continuing to serve his parish, now a new Western Rite mission.
In 1998, he was transferred to St Andrew in Eustis, Florida bringing three children and his wife Phyllis with him. Having two more children guaranteed a full complement of Sunday school and choir members in addition to acolytes.
Fr. Cassian Dunlop feels blessed to serve this parish in a fast-growing but still rural area outside of Orlando.
The parish has been attracting a steady stream of younger catechumens and converts. Many have come to the faith while in college or even in high school. St. Andrews streams Sunday services on Facebook. Please watch here.
The parish also has an active YouTube channel with sermons and classes by Fr. Cassian. Please watch here.
Share the Faith is using the donations of faithful Orthodox Christians to support the work of Fr. Cassian Dunlop. Please consider a donation of any amount, no matter how small (monthly is particularly helpful) to assist either this parish or our other missionary work. Even a small donations greatly assist in the evangelization and transformation of our nation. To give a general donation to support Orthodox Missions through Share the Faith, click the donate button below: