God is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. God is merciful and patient with us as we grow and mature in the Lord Jesus.
Although if we grow in knowledge of the truth and don’t submit to God’s love regarding that truth and we stop growing out of selfishness, then there are negative consequences to be had.
We can suffer for doing good or we can suffer for doing bad, but we all suffer; better to suffer for doing good. God says, “I put before you life and death, now choose life.” Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life; no one comes to God The Father except through Christ Jesus of Nazareth. You shall know The Truth and The Truth shall set you free.
So for God’s sake, and God is love, be selfless and loving with the truth that you acquire, for your good and the good of those around you… and by all means enjoy the person God is making you to be in all love and purity and holiness as you grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus.
Don’t just know about God but know Him personally and intimately as your best friend. Jesus prayed to God The Father saying, “and this is eternal life that they may know You, The One True God, and Jesus Christ Whom You sent.”
The human heart is in the most need especially of the healing touch of Jesus. Many don’t have the fullness of the Good News of Jesus Christ through a local Orthodox Church. Many Orthodox Clergy work unrealistic bi-vocational hours to share the love of Jesus. You can bring relief.