“You got hammered at the bar on Saturday but came to church on Sunday….
You can sit with me,
you’re right where you need to be.
You’re a drug addict but came to church on Sunday….
You can sit with me, you’re right where you need to be.
You’re divorced and the last church you attended condemned you for it….
You can sit with me, you’re right where you need to be.
You’ve had an abortion and it’s slowly eating away at your heart but you came to church on Sunday….
You can sit with me, you’re right where you need to be.
You’ve been unfaithful to your spouse but came to church on Sunday….
You can sit with me, you’re right where you need to be.
Here’s the thing, people don’t come to church on Sunday for you to sit in the pew and quietly judge them
because you feel that you’re somehow better than them.
People come to church because in their deepest, darkest, most painful moments
they heard about a man named Jesus
that could save their soul and they’d like to know him.”
The human heart is in the most need especially of the healing touch of Jesus. Many don’t have in person contact with the fullness of the Good News of Jesus Christ in the form of a local Orthodox Church Parish with a full time Priest or even a Deacon for a reader service. Many Priests and Deacons work unrealistic bi-vocational hours to share the love of Jesus. We can bring relief. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; pray to God that He might send laborers into the harvest. To donate, click the button below.