Knowing oneself leads to being truly humble. Being truly humble leads to one being able to effectively reach a soul for Christ and His Church. And such is the way of a true believer.Get Your heart clean. Live The faith. Pray. Be of few words but much example. For just as it is in LIFE, in missions, “Example is everything”.
Author: Editor
End of 2022 Update and Appeal for Orthodox Missions
Share the Faith is the only Pan Orthodox Mission Fund serving North America. Thanks to generous donors, Share the Faith had a stellar year helping truly worthy priests. With your help, 2023 promises even more blessings!
Share the Faith Announces 2023 Grants Available for Orthodox Priests
The application process is open for 2023 grants supporting Orthodox mission priests, those in financially weak parishes in need of assistance, priests helping Orthodox outreach on their own expense, and many more. Share the Faith, thanks to generous donors, is ready to support priests who ministries, with a little help, can grow the Kingdom of Christ.
The Hard Work of Building an Orthodox Mission Parish Continues in Arizona
Fr. Mark Hodges is the first full time priest at St. Brendan the Voyager in Bullhead City AZ. This mission parish is the only Orthodox presence in a growing tri-state area for hours in any direction. The mission survived for 5 years off reader services and the support of a dedicated, largely formerly Evangelical core group. Their faith and dedication in sustaining a mission were rewarded with the assignment of Fr. Mark Hodges to pastor them.
Missions are hard. As you read through this update from Fr. Mark, imagine the personal sacrifice needed to build an Orthodox parish from scratch. To serve Christ in this mission, Fr. Mark has to spend long months away from his large family. To save money, he is living in two rooms provided by one of his families. The faithful have to work hard as well. Many necessary items at the parish are handmade such as the iconostasis and the cross for the Elevation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross pictured below. Things those of us in established parishes simply take for granted can be challenging for a new mission.
What Can We Learn from Evangelicals About Missions?
Fr. Timothy Cremeens is a monthly supporter of Share the Faith and an Orthodox Priest of over 30 years. Fr. Timothy comes from an Assemblies of God background. He was a worship leader before interest in the Early Church eventually led him to find the Church Fathers. He found them “troubling”, as the Church they described was very far from his. In this interview, Fr. Timothy brings his unique insights into evangelism. Orthodoxy is very attractive to Americans, particularly Evangelicals. Why are we not putting our priorities on missions, and learning from the successes of the Evangelicals?