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Fr. Adam Sexton – Culpepper, VA

It is my true joy to greet you in the Name of The Lord! It is such a blessing to have come full circle and to have wound up here as the rector at St. Andrew’s parish in Ashland, VA. You see, many years ago, about 22 I think, I was strolling along the sidewalk in Richmond and came upon a small Orthodox bookstore on Sheppard Street. (It’s now an upscale hair salon!) It had icons in the windows and interesting things appeared to be going on inside. Being a good Catholic boy, and also being employed by a local Catholic bookstore a few blocks away, I decided I would go in and check it out…maybe see what the competition was up to…..

Well…that, as they say, was the beginning of the rest of my life!

The bookstore was an outreach of the community of Saint Andrew’s parish. They welcomed me and my wife so warmly and earnestly. (No kids then! Imagine that!) We were overwhelmed by the joy they took in us being there and the true love they had for each other. This was truly a community with Jesus Christ at the center!
We came back often to visit. A few kids later we were received into the Orthodox Church ourselves. A few kids after that we found ourselves far away in Pennsylvania in seminary at St. Tikhon’s to prepare for the priesthood. We stayed in PA for 8 years! (I pastored my first parish there for several years and became a fire dept Chaplain and active fire fighter!). We had many great experiences and had the opportunity to visit many wonderful Orthodox parishes during that time. We found ourselves saying time and time again, “That was a nice parish, but it was no St. Andrew’s”. Not once did I imagine that now, 11 children, a few children in law, and a few grandchildren later, I would be back in Ashland at St. Andrew’s.

We have come home!

I left as a son of this community and have returned as the father and it is my particular joy to stand before the Holy Altar, an old friend and a new priest, having been asked to come and minister to them during this next exciting chapter in a very very beautiful story.

I like to remind them that I’m Orthodox and now their priest…….and it’s all their fault!

God is so very good and has blessed me and my family with so many rich gifts in our lifetime, not the least of which is this parish community of Saint Andrew’s that we have regarded as family for the last 22 years. Glory to God for ALL things!

Now, we find ourselves at another impasse. We have always wanted to see a mission parish established in Matushka Angie’s hometown of Culpeper, VA, 1.5 hours to the northwest. With the blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Alexander, we have established a presence and Fr. Adam serves this community as founding pastor in addition to his full time duties at St. Andrews. Good things are happening and the fields are white for the harvest. We don’t know from day to day how we will continue to make this possible but God is so good and we trust in His rich gifts. “Here I am Lord”. This is the verse that Fr. Adam wakes with and goes to sleep with. Simply show up. God does the rest.

Please pray for us. God is with us. I know you are also!

+Fr. Adam

Share the Faith Action Plan: To makes ends meet, Fr. Adam has been driving for Uber and Lyft as many as five nights a week. Obviously, it is difficult to grow two parishes when the priest has to spend time feeding his family from secular work. As he grows his parishes, Fr. Adam (like so many other Orthodox priests) needs the support of generous donors to provide for his family so that he can focus solely on the Kingdom. With our current budget, Share the Faith can only partially meet Fr. Adam’s needs for next two years. Please prayerfully consider a generous donation, one-time or monthly, to assist the mission of this man of God as well as the many other worthy missions and projects we assist.

The form is not published.

Share the Faith is using the donations of faithful Orthodox Christians to support the work of Fr. Mark. Please consider a donation of any amount, no matter how small (monthly is particularly helpful) to assist either this parish or our other missionary work. Even a small donations greatly assist in the evangelization and transformation of our nation. To give a general donation to support Orthodox Missions through Share the Faith, click the donate button below:


STF chairman Lee Kopulos caught up with Fr. Adam recently to see how his work in Virginia is going. Fr. Adam had an interesting report from the mission field. Attendance is booming, not just at his parish but also at others according to his brother priests. The mission in Culpeper is also blessed with its first catechumen.

To give a general donation to support Orthodox Missions through Share the Faith, click the donate button below:

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Our Episcopal Blessing from His Grace Bp. Alexander of Toledo (OCA)

His Grace Bishop Alexander, Locum Tenens, Diocese of Midwest
His Grace Bishop Alexander, Locum Tenens, Diocese of Midwest

July 22, 2014

Rev. Evangelos Pepps and the board of Share the Faith Ministries This letter serves to assure you and your board that Bishop Alexander, Locum Tenens of the Diocese of the Midwest, Orthodox Church in America, grants his blessings to Fr. Evangelos Pepps and the “Share the Faith Ministry”. This includes his blessings on your efforts to raise funds for this ministry.

View the Letter of Episcopal Blessing.

Other Endorsementsview endorsement)

longineHE Bishop Longine (view endorsement)

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Sharing Christ and His Saints with Suffering Man

24/11 November, 2011

Re: Sharing Christ and His Saints with suffering man in a unique neighborhood in NW Indiana, one hour SE of Chicago

Dear Rev. Fathers, your blessings! Dear Brothers and Sisters, Thank you for considering this appeal to donate to what with many, I am beginning to realize is arguably, the most important Orthodox non-profit in N. America, Share The Faith Ministries’ Orthodox Missionary Priest (OMP) fund for this continent. Would you allow me to tell you but one reason why?

In addition to its goal of some day and only by (y)our support, becoming a multi-million dollar endowment to spread the light of Christ and His saints in places throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada that do not have enough committed Orthodox Christians to provide foundational seed monies for outreach in these places, STF is committed to helping our sacred 100 year-old community and temple of St. George in Michigan City, IN. As one of the most historic and blessed parishes in the United States with a rich history that includes three visits from St. Raphael of Brooklyn (see and used to hold 125 faithful when services were antiphonally sung in Arabic and Greek, St. George’s today reaches out almost exclusively in English with traditional and uplifting Znamenny, Byzantine and other beautiful Church Chant. Visitors to and residents in our multi-cultural neighborhood can now learn and experience the ancient Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic faith that we have been commissioned by our Lord to share as St. Nektarios says, “with every man” (Iera Katihisis/Sacred Catechism).

In this regard, with the blessing of His Grace Bishop Peter ROCOR Diocese of Chicago, Fr. Evangelos Pepps (photo reading the Gospel), has been assigned to serve us on a weekly basis through at least, March so St. George’s may communicate to the general public that we now offer regular Sunday 9:30 am CST Hours and 10am CST Divine Liturgy services. We embrace Father’s auspicious goal for us to in these four months time, triple our small membership and somehow double our meager income.

As we for now can with but (#2) pledging members offer only $125 per week — barely enough to cover the cost of his 172 miles of round-trip driving from and back to Kalamazoo, MI – while your gift will not allow our gifted and caring Father to make what some good clergy are fortunate enough to be compensated, should not a man with a family of five to provide for be remunerated more than what is currently not even 3% this amount (click here for Goa remuneration scale)?

If you wish to know how appreciative we are of the results Fr. Angelo is helping bring to St. George or any other information, I look forward to hearing from you. Otherwise, as Tom (my brother) and I do our best to build on the foundation of our forefathers who established St George’s and the Pepps’ family gives their best to help us move forward, we humbly appeal to you: Send please, your greatest gift and/or pledge today (link to paypal) so that STF’s transparent board of directors may continue sharing your love for Christ and His saints with suffering man.

May You be rewarded for faithfulness in fulfilling our calling in Mt. 25 of service and 28 of evangelism, transfiguration and salvation,

Respectfully in Christ,

Reader Timothy, parish warden

Tel. 219/872-0210

Click here to download pdf

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“Enjoying the Jesus of Church History” Talk in Kalamazoo

Wednesday, Dec. 7th, 7-8pm
Held this 1 evening at First United Methodist Church
212 South Park Street Parlor Room, Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Speaker: author of True Life in Christ and Quenching Your Spiritual Thirst,
with ministry and talks given in Greece, Guatemala, Mexico as well as many places and on college campuses throughout America, Rev. fr. Evangelos (Angelo S.) Pepps

This free to the public message includes inspirational worship, beautiful icons, fascinating true stories and amazing facts (of History) to show that anyone seeking truth will find all that his/her soul desires in …the Jesus of ..Church History
Come learn of spiritual treasures waiting for you from the Maker, Redeemer and Lover of mankind, the God-man Christ Who unites heaven with earth and person with person in His …peace

Sponsored by Orthodox Christian Outreach to greater Portage, MI
For more information, contact fr. Evangelos
RSVP by Dec. 7th