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The Ties That Bind

There are the bricks and there is the mortar between the bricks that holds everything together. It is the older bricks that are crushed into powder and made into mortar. Christ is the love that binds. He is infinite. Christ is God. God is love. Some mature quicker because of the difficulties of life. These are the ties that bind. It is love. Do not deny your God given cross. Deny yourself. Deny your selfishness. Are you half heartedly carrying your cross for the sake of comfort? Are you wishing away certain trials and tribulations that are necessary for your salvation. Accept and even invite the trials and tribulations that are necessary for your salvation or how can you love and how can you be saved. Love is maturity, but maturity is a choice through selflessness. When you deny your cross you are instead putting the burden of your cross on other people. Christ said, “unless you deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me, you’re not worthy of me.” How will you choose to love today. Donate sacrificially to share the love of God in Christ Jesus through Holy Orthodoxy on our home page @ … Thank you for your love and kindness to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ through missional Orthodox Christian Church Parishes all over the United States by your prayers, support, and encouragement.