Bear One Another’s Burdens
It is that time of the year that we help lighten the load on missional Orthodox Christian Priests so they can devote more time to family and ministry, some of which work unrealistic hours to make ends meet for the needs of their families and congregations. I say it’s that time of the year because it is always that time of the year; there is just that great of a need for sacrificial missional Priests to have some relief and more communities to have an Orthodox Christian Missional Church Parish. The harvest is great but the laborers are few; pray to the Lord of the harvest that He might send more workmen worthy of the calling to share the love of God in Christ Jesus through Holy Orthodoxy in communities in desperate need of great spiritual and emotional support that only Orthodoxy can bring. It is our duty to advance God’s Kingdom in this way through our time talent and treasure. Join us in this journey. All God’s best to you and yours as you prayerfully consider giving even a small amount or more right here @ on our home page as currently we have a matching grant where all donations will be matched up to $100k for the next three months. We are counting on you to make a difference in the world around you in America as you are able through this wonderful opportunity. Thank you for your time and consideration.
STF SMM Coordinator Eric A Tweten